
This project uses bumpversion to manage the version strings related to releases. The history.rst file should also be updated with the release notes for each version.

To configure bumpversion edit the setup.cfg file. Running the bumpversion command will run a git commit and git tag by default. Also by default, the version is updated in the project’s and history.rst files.

Before running bumpversion, make sure all the changes are commited, and run:

$ bump2version [major|minor|patch]


$ cat setup.cfg | grep current_version
  current_version = 0.1.0

$ bump2version patch

$ cat setup.cfg | grep current_version
  current_version = 0.1.1

$ bump2version minor

$ cat setup.cfg | grep current_version
  current_version = 0.2.0

$ bump2version minor

$ cat setup.cfg | grep current_version
  current_version = 1.0.0

For more examples and configuration options see the bumpversion documentation.

Git Commit Messages

For the Git commit messages, it is recommend to use the Emoji-Log spec. Sample .gitconfig configuration:

  ac = "!f() { git add ${@:1:$(($# - 1))}; git commit -m \"${@:$#}\"; }; f"
  new = "!f() { git ac ${@:1:$(($# - 1))} \"📦 New: ${@:$#}\";  }; f"
  imp = "!f() { git ac ${@:1:$(($# - 1))} \"👌 Improve: ${@:$#}\";  }; f"
  fix = "!f() { git ac ${@:1:$(($# - 1))} \"🐛 Fix: ${@:$#}\";  }; f"
  rlz = "!f() { git ac ${@:1:$(($# - 1))} \"🚀 Release: ${@:$#}\";  }; f"
  doc = "!f() { git ac ${@:1:$(($# - 1))} \"📖 Doc: ${@:$#}\";  }; f"
  tst = "!f() { git ac ${@:1:$(($# - 1))} \"✅ Test: ${@:$#}\";  }; f"